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check laatste blog voor info!Give that fine card, that beautiful piece of art or a precious photo a nice place in the massive beech holder Hold it CLICK wall, or click your favorite poster in between!
A foothold for that one memento that makes you happy. And decide for yourself where you click the wooden square in your photo or map.
The Hold it CLICK wall is also very handy in the kitchen for your shopping list, to do list or
Hold it is sent as a letterbox post in strong cardboard packaging.
TIP: You may not drill straight. When screwing in the Hold it, one side can be used sooner
the wall then touches the other side. This creates a circular print on the wall. Place
to prevent this, place a sturdy piece of paper between the Hold it and the wall. Turn the Hold it like this
as far as possible in the wall and just before the last turn you remove the piece of paper.